Mystic Hypnotize Waist Womens Harness

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Mystic Hypnotize Waist Womens Harness

£69.00 GBP

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  • Large - 32 - 34 Inch


Harness the power for your traction activities - waist style harness suitable for all land and water based activities.

The all new Mystic Hypnotize Womens Kitesurfing Waist Harness has all the technological aspects of Mystics top of the range harnesses yet at an affordable price. Designed and cut specifically to suit womens waist.

The Mystic Hypnotize has a triple padding construction, 3D contoured interior and elasticated waist closure creating great comfort for the rider, but at the same time allows the Harness to move in sync with the rider, therefore allowing the rider to change their style of riding to suit the conditions.

The Mystic Hypnotize Womens Waist Harness also features the unique Spreader Down System that stops the spreader bar to raise and dig into the rider's ribs, creating discomfort and even injury.

  • Human Kinetic Technology System: Analysis of kite forces, joint movements, load distribution, harness constructions and materials has combined findings into fully redeveloped radical harness designs.
  • H-flex Force Frame: The ‘H’ in this force frame is formed by 3 Fiberglass battens. 2 slightly angled vertical ones and 1 horizontal. The vertical battens ensure a perfect harness shape and thus good load distribution during hooked sessions. When you ‘pop’ unhooked tricks the vertical battens ‘flex’ around the axis of the horizontal batten adding comfort. The horizontal batten also keeps the backside of the harness stiff when there’s load on your handle pass leash. So when you crash you’ll be still ‘in’ your harness rather then squeezed ‘in between’ your harness. A thicker but more flexible plastic
    plate forms the base of the force frame. All together, freedom of movement, comfort and load distribution are set to a higher level.
  • System Down System"Waist": Locks the spreaderbar down, giving you more control while performing your manoeuvres. In high kite positions the system activates a side-to-side force chain preventing the harness from riding up.
  • 3D Anatomical Back Support: With the newly invented 3D Back Support, Mystic is technically speaking steps ahead of the competition. The anatomical preformed nylon backsupport is positioned inside the back panel of the waist harness and gives the waist harness a contoured shape in horizontal and vertical directions. The back support is connected through the continuous 40mm webbing of the spreaderbar. The spread of forces is divided by the 360° effect which gives maximum comfort, support and fit without losing any feel. The continued strap is attached to the back support from one side to the other side of the harness (360° effect). When hooked in and riding, the tension on the spreaderbar will be spreaded over the back support which gives maximum comfort.
  • Kinetic Back Support KM3: Combing the advantages of thermo moulding and neoprene, the mould is fitted with bending lines to let the harness adapt to the continuous altering of the human body.
  • Flex Edge: While grabbing your board and tweaking out your tricks the rib's can encounter the harnesses edge. The sides of the harness is now more flexible on points where the load distribution allows it.
  • Double Power Leashring: Gives you the ability to split the force on the leashrings in half while the ring itself secured to the strongest part of the harness.
  • Battle Belt Waist Closure
  • Triple Padding Construction
  • Non-Slip Print
  • Soft Neoprene Edges
  • Kite Spreaderbar with protector cover: Stainless steel fixed spreader bar with protector to reduce the riding up of the harness and abrasion against your wetsuit and other clothing.
  • 3D Contoured Foam Interior: By using the process of thermo moulding Mystic are able to add characteristics we need for comfort and looks.
Extra Small


Wind Range
Control Bar
