Ozone Foil Bar Brake Handle - Kiteshop.com
Ozone Foil Bar Brake Handle - Kiteshop.com

Ozone Foil Bar Brake Handle

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Ozone Foil Bar Brake Handle

£16.00 GBP

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Bar Size
  • 38cm
  • 45cm
  • 50cm
  • 55cm
  • 62cm


Stall/Brake handle for Foil kites.

Spare stall handle for the bars comes complete with soft bar ends and relaunch balls.

Designed to convert a standard water kite contact or race bar into a foil bar.

  • 38cm bar (handle length 42cm)
  • 45cm bar (handle length 49cm)
  • 50cm bar (handle length 54cm)
  • 55cm bar (handle length 59cm)
  • 62cm bar (handle length 66cm)


Wind Range
Control Bar
