ION Traveller Sliding Spreader Bar

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ION Traveller Sliding Spreader Bar

ยฃ54.95 GBP

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size: S / M
  • S / M
  • L / XL
Mar 14
Mar 17 - Mar 19
Mar 19 - Mar 21


Ion Traveller sliding spreader bar is perfect for kitesurfers in the waves and other riders looking for a more free riding experience. It can also be semi locked off with a velcro strap,

The spreader bar hook will slide from side to side, changing the pulling point of your kite as it slides, allowing for more freedom of movement when riding toeside or twisting your body to accomodate a manoeuvre.

S/M Spreader Bar - 12 inches

L/XL Spreader Bar - 13 inches

ION Traveller harness is compatible with all ION harnesses.
