RRD Religion Gold Y30
RRD Religion Gold Y30
RRD Religion Gold Y30
RRD Religion - Powerkiteshop
RRD Religion - Powerkiteshop
RRD Religion - Powerkiteshop
RRD Religion Gold Y30
RRD Religion Gold Y30

RRD Religion Gold Y30

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RRD Religion Gold Y30

Β£1,815.00 GBP

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Size: 5.0m
  • 5.0m
  • 6.0m
  • 7.0m
  • 8.0m
  • 9.0m
  • 10.0m
  • 11.0m
  • 12.0m
Setup: Kite Only
  • Kite Only
  • Global Control Bar
Mar 16
Mar 18 - Mar 19
Mar 19 - Mar 20


With its unparalleled drift, quick turns, refined handling, and impressive depower, the RRD Religion Y30 Gold is the new standard of wave kites has earned its place as a favourite among wave kite enthusiasts.

The new Y30 Gold Religion takes everything you love about the Religion and enhances it with the latest available advancements in kite technology. For an extremely stiff yet lightweight structure, the Gold Religion features more than 85% Aluula across the leading edge, combined with tips and struts crafted out of light 140 gram/sqm Rectex Dacron for added responsiveness and tighter turns.

Thanks to Aluula and a new canopy design, the Gold Religion is more than 8% lighter than the previous generation, significantly boosting low-end performance and kite reactivity.

The new pulley-less bridle is exclusively made out of 1,2mm Dyneema on the Gold Religion, effectively reducing line stretch and air-drag to further enhance the kites reactivity.

Get ready to elevate your wave riding experience with the new Gold Religion, the best Religion ever made!

  • World class drift capabilities
  • Super-quick pivoting turns
  • More than 85% Aluula across the leading edge surface, for extreme strength and lightweight
  • More than 8% overall weight reduction for an incredible low-end performance
  • 1.2mm Dyneema pulley-less bridle for immediate kite reactivity and reduced air drag
  • New fibreglass battens combined with a lighter double layer D2 Ripstop trailing edge
  • New intelligent canopy load-frame layout
  • Frontline trim options for wave and freestyle-wave
  • New wave specific wing profile
  • Deeper position in the wind window


Wind Range
Size Wind Range (Knots) Weight (kg)
5.0m 22-35 1.83
6.0m 21-30 1.97
7.0m 19-27 2.19
8.0m 17-25 2.33
9.0m 15-22 2.49
10.0m 13-20 2.81
11.0m 12-19 2.89
12.0m 12-19 3.06
Control Bar
RRD Global Control Bar:
RRD Global Control Bar - Powerkiteshop


The RRD Y27 Global bar is ergonomic with slimmer, flexible bar end floats and a more intuitive and easier to use safety release, plus off course the best lines on the market.

In addition to the new features, the Global is equipped with β€œRigid Thread Lines”. These are used exclusively on the RRD bars with great success for over 9 years now. A product that’s now widely tested around the world, but there is little known about the details of its uniqueness by kiteboarders.

A pro rider will choose rigid thread lines over any flying lines in the market. The β€˜Rigid Thread Lines’ of RRD Kites will never be subject to adjustment, since they won’t even stretch under stress-related moves, for example by extreme loops and consequently it is impossible to end up with stretched lines and/or of a different length and therefore the trim of the kite remains unchanged through the years.

Molded Floating Side Caps:

Molded floating side caps injected with high memory EVA which facilitates a better bar grip and increased safety.

Aluminium Centre Connection: 

Made with CNC milled and polished aluminium, the centre bar piece comes with and oversized oval hole to improve de-power tube sliding even during some extreme steering.

Stainless Steel Depower Cleat:

New custom design stainless steel de-power rope cleat conceived around the double chamber tube, allowing the security line to slide freely.

Chicken Loop Safety Release:

Chicken loop safety release system with oversized handle and increased sliding potential of all components to secure an effective functionality over the years. This safety release system has the least amount of steel components on the market, meaning a longer lifetime and less maintenance.
